Системы видеонаблюдения
Охранная сигнализация
Пожарная сигнализация
Система пожаротушения
Система контроля удаленного доступа
Оповещение и эвакуация
Контроль периметра
Система домофонии
Парковочные системы
Проектирование слаботочных сетей
Раздел: Документация

0 ... 52 53 54 55 56 57

28 EDWARDSON, S M The digital timing-correction of video tape recorded colour television signals Proc Conf Video and Data Recording Birmingham 1473 lERfc Conf Proc No 26 27 39

29.EICHSTADT, К -ROIZfcN, J SIMON.G Innovative self tailoring techniques with microprocessor

controlled editing systems 11th International Television Symposium, Montreaux 1979 Paper III В 5

30.ELLIOT, J An environmentally hardened airborne video recording and playing machine Proc Conf

Video and Data Recording, Birmingham 1976 IFRF Conf Proc No 35 203 216

31ENNES, H E Television broadcasting tape and disc recording systems New York, Howard W Sams

et Co, Inc, 1973 •

32FELIX, M О F M systems of exceptional bandwidth Proc International Conf on Magnetic

Recording London, 1964 155 158

33FELIX, M DOLBY D-LEMIONE, M Digitale Bildaufzeichnung Runkfunktech Mitt 24, 1980

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34FELIX, M О-WALSH, H F M system of exceptional bandwidth Proc ILE 112, 1965 1659 1668


35FELIX, M-DOLBY, D-LEMIONE, M Digitale Bildaufzeichnung Runkfunktech Mitt 24,1980

248 253

36FELIX, M О-WALSH, H F M system of exceptional bandwidth Proc IEE 112,1965 1659 1668

37FERENCZI 0 -MITR6 S Felvezetddiodas elektrontkus aramkorok Muszaki Konyvkiado, Buda-

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38. FERENCZY P Hirkozleselmelet Tankonyvkiado, Budapest, 1974

39FRITSCH, К Zur Wiedergabe grosser Wellenlangen vom Magnetband Hochfrequenztechnik und

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40ГОНЧАРОВ А В , ХАРИТОНОВ M. И. Влияние параметров ЧМ канала видеомагнитофона на комбинационные искажения видеосигнала// Труды ВНИИРТ — 1976. —Т. 8,№ 27. — С 22-31.

41GRAD J A mintavetelezo aramkor mint fazisdetektor Hiradastechnika XXX, 1979 310 316

42GROLL, H R Der BCN5 Kasettenrecorder und damit in Zusammenhang stehende Entwicklungen

Robert Bosch-GmbH Nr 4 78-0 3

43HABERMANN, W Automation in television recording and editing 10th International Television

Symposium, Montreaux, 1977 Paper E 12 44. HATHAWAY, R A-RAVIZZA, R The design philosophy of the VRP-1 helical scan machine with

automatic scan tracking 10th International Television Symposium, Montreaux, 1977 Paper E-6 45 HAYNES, M К Write-separation loss and phase functions in AC-bias recording IEEE Trans Mag

MAG 12 1976 761 763

46. HAYNES, M К Experimental determination of the loss and phase function of a magnetic recording channel IEEE Trans Mag MAG-13 1977 1284 1286

47HECKENASTG Magneseskeprogzites Kep-es Hangtechnika 1964 69 73,110 118,161 168,

1965 16 20,43 50.73 78,113 116,147 152,175 181

48HEIGHTMAN, A N Advances in helical video tape recorders for television broadcasting Communi-

cation and Broadcasting Autumn 1977 4 11

49HEITMANN, J Ein systemkompatibles digitales Farbfernsehsignal Rundfunktechn Mitt 20, 1976

236 241

50HEITMANN, J „СОМЕТ", a new compatible encoding system for European color TV-signals 10th

International Television Symposium, Montreaux, 1977 Paper D-10

51HEITMANN, J Zeitlupenwiedergabe und Suchlaufbei,,segmented field" Videorecordern Rundfunk-

techn Mitt 22, 1978 15 21

52van HERK, A Side fringing fields and write and read crosstalk of narrow magnetic recording heads

IEEE Trans Mag MAG 13, 1977 1021 1028 4 53 HOFMANN.H-SCHACHLBAUER H Digital-Time-Base-Correctoren in der Videotechnik Rundfunktechn Mitt 21, 1977 68 76 54 HORVATH L GORDOS G -VARGA A Adatatvitel Tankonyvkiado Bp Mernoki Tovabbkepzo Intezet V 64 1965

55. IEC Publication 347 Tranverse track recorders Genf 1972 Amendment No 1 1980

56IEC Publication 461 Time and control code for video tape recording Genf 1974

57IEC Publication 511 Helical-scan video-tape cassette system using 0,5in (12,70 mm) magnetic tape (50 Hz 625 lines) Genf 1975

58 IfcC Publication 511A Helicar-scan video-tape cassette system using 0,5in (12,70 mm) magnetic tape (60 Hz 525 lines) Genf 1977

59.IEC Publication 602. Type В helical video recorders Genf 1980

60.IEC 60B (Central Office) 23 Draft Time base stability 1977 februar

61 I EC 60B (Central Office) 4 J Draft Time base stability (Supplement to Doc 60B [CO] 23) 1980 julius

62.IEC 60B (Central Office) 27 Report on the Voting for the approval of Doc 60B (CO) 23 1978


63.IEC 60B (Central Office) 33 Draft Helical-scan videotape cartridge and reel-to-reel system using

12,7 mm (l/2in) magnetic tape 1979 majus

64.IEC 60B (Central Office) 46 Report on the Voting for the approval of Doc 60B (CO) 33 1980


65.IEC 60B (Central Office) 34 Draft Helical scan video tape cassette system using 19 mm (3/4m) magne-

tic tape 1979 majus

66.IEC 60B (Central Office) 47 Report on the Voting for the approval of Doc 60B (CO) 34 1980


67 IEC 60B (Secretariat) 76 Helical scan video tape cassette system using 12,65 mm (0,5in) magnetic tape on type , VHS 1980

68.IEC 60B (Secretariat) 81 Helical scan video-tape cassette system using 12,65 mm (0,5in) magnetic tape

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69.JFNKINSON. В FBU.C-format in retrospect International Broadcast Engineer 12,1981 No 176

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70JONES, A H BFLLIS F A An experimental approach to digital television recording International

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71K.LRSHAW D Ь KITSON, M A TAYLOR R J Video tape editing Proc Conf Video and Data

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72KIHARA. N Magnetic recording of signals containing synchronizing information US Pat No 3,215,

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73KIHARA, N PAL and SEC AM systems of BETA format Inst of Television Engineers of Japan 1979


74.KIHARA, N KOHNO, F 1SHIOAK1, Y Development of a new system of cassette type consumer

VRT IFf t Trans on Consumer Electronics 1976 26 36

75.KIRK, D OAMMANS, С Tquipment rewiev Sony SL 8000UB Betamax Video 1979 febr 30 32

76KOESTER, E PFEFFERKORN D The effect of remanence and coercivity on short wavelength

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77KOLB, О Orundig Videorecorder Video 2x4 Mechanischer Teil Orundig Technische Informa-

tionen 1980 1 09 120

78. KORNHAAS, W Standbildautomatik lm Grundig BK 204 bzw BK 401 Grundig Technische Infor-mationen 1973 106 109

79KORNHAAS, W Das Band-, Kopfservo- und Spurnachfuhrungssystem (DTF)des Video 2x4 Grun-

dig Technische Informationen 1980 111 120

80KORNHAAS, W Grundig Videorecorder 2x4 Plus Grundig Technische Informationen 1980

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81.KRONES, F Die Theorie des Magnetspeichers Technik d Magnetspeicher szerk WINCKEL, F

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82.van der LEEDEN, R A standard time-and-control code for 625-line/50-field television tape record-

ings FBU Review Pt В 1973 No 137 4 13

83.van der LEEDEN, R Digital television tape recording International Broadcast Engineer 1979 mar-

cius 26 28

84.LIEBMANN, H Professionelle Videomagnetbandgerate nach dem System GPR Grundig Technische

Informationen 1975 670 677

85.LINDHOLM, D A Dependence of reproducing gap null on head geometry IEEE Trans Mag

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86.LUCAS, К 625 line PCM composite PAL signal recording and error concealment 11th International

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87.MALLER, V A J MIDDLETON, В К A simplified model of the writing process in saturation mag-

netic recording Proc Conf Video and Data Recording Birmingham 1973 IERE Conf. Proc No 26 137 147

88 MALL1NSON, J С Maximum signal-to-noise ratio of a tape recorder IEEE Trans Mag MAO 10, 1969 182 186

89. MALLINSON, J С The signal-to-noise ratio of a frequency modulated video recorder EBU Review

Pt В 1975 No 153 241 243 90 MALLINSON, J С -MILLER, J W Optimal codes for digital magnetic recording The Radio and

Electr Engr 47, 1977 172 176

91.MALLINSON, J С -STEELE. CH W A computer simulation of unbiased sine wave recording

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92.MAYER, N -NOLOCH, О MOLL, G FAM Rundfunktechn Mitt 13, 1969 159 169

93МЕЕ, С D The physics of magnetic recording Amsterdam North-Holland Publ Comp 1964

94MtRKL, J-HAUBNER В Video-Cassetten-Recorder BK 2000 Color in Modul-Baukastentechnik

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95MERKL, J -SEBALD, R DieBedeutungder physikalischen Eigenschaften des Magnetbandes bei der

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96MFSSERSCHMID. U Die visuelle Storwirkung horizontaler Bildstand schwankungen beim Fernse-

hen Rundfunktechn Mitt 4, 1960 74 79

97MIDDLETON, В К-WISELY, Р L The development and application of a simple model of digital

magnetic recording to thick oxide media Proc Conf Video and Data Recording Birmingham 1976 1LRE Conf Proc No 35 33 42

98MIDDLETON, В K-WISELEY, P L Pulse superposition and high density recording IEEE Trans

Mag MAG 14, 1978 1043 1050 9 9. MOR1TA, Г -TAKANO, M An upgraded 3/4 inch videocassette recorder 10th International Television Symposium, Montreaux 1977 Paper E 11

100NAGAKAWA, SH, et al PCM video recording using a rotating magnetic sheet 11th International

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101NASSE, D 625-line component recording, bit rate reduction and error protection 11th International

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102NEMES L Videomagnok Muszaki Konyvkiad6, Budapest, 1976

103OBREMSKI, M Videorecorder BK 200, Aufzeichnung und Wiedergabe des Videosignals Grundig

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104ORR, W H Modern video tape editing Communication and Broadcasting 1978 42 45

105PARFENTYEV, I A -PUSSZET, L A A magneses hangrogzites fizikai alapjai Muszaki Konyvki-

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106PAULSON, В Television is moving fast from A to D Broadcast Communication 1979 augusztus

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107PROSSER, R D ALLNATT, J W Subjective quality of television pictures impaired by random

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108RAEBIGER, W Die professionelle Videorecorder VCR 601 Grundig Techmsche Informationen

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109REZA, F M Bevezetes az informacioelmeletbe Muszaki Konyvkiado, Budapest, 1966

110RICHTER, H G Magnetische Videospeicherung von SECAM-Farbfersehsignalen auf Studio-Video-

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111RME Video-Cassetten Radio Mentor Elektronik 44, 1978 48 67

112. РОБИНСОН А. ф. Магнитная видеозапись. Теория и практика. Пер. с англ. под ред в. И. Пархоменко. - М. Связь, 1980. - 319 с

113ROIZEN, J Ampex unweils digital VTR at winter SMPTE meeting Broadcast Communications 1979

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114ROIZEN, J Sony demonstrates digital VTR Broadcast Communications 1979 majus 74 75

115.ROIZEN, 5 Technically speaking NAB was on target Broadcast Communications 1981 majus

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116.SABATIER. J Multiple structure and coding methods at 34 Mbyte/s 10th International Television

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117SABATIER, J Setting the standard for a digital television system 10th International Television Sym-

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118SABATIER, J KRETZ, F Sampling the components of 625-line colour television signals EBU

Review. Pt В 1978 No 171 212 225

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