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0 ... 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ... 117 4 Class FCO: Communication This class provides two families specifically concerned with assuring the identity of a party participating in a data exchange. These families are related to assuring the identity ofthe originator of transmitted information (proof of origin) and assuring the identity of the recipient of transmitted information (proof of receipt). These families ensure that an originator cannot deny having sent the message, nor can the recipient deny having received it. Figure 4.1 shows the decomposition of this class into its constituent components. Communication FCO NRO Non-repudiation of origin 1 \-\ 2 FCO NRR Non-repudiation of receipt 1 \-\ 2 Figure 4.1 - Communication class decomposition 4.1 Non-repudiation of origin (FCO NRO) Family behaviour Non-repudiation of origin ensures that the originator of information cannot successfully deny having sent the information. This family requires that the TSF provide a method to ensure that a subject that receives information during a data exchange is provided with evidence of the origin of the information. This evidence can then be verified by either this subject or other subjects. Component levelling FCO NRO Non-repudiation of origin FCONRO.1 Selective proof of origin requires the TSF to provide subjects with the capability to request evidence of the origin of information. FCONRO.2 Enforced proof of origin requires that the TSF always generate evidence of origin for transmitted information. Management: FCONRO.1, FCONRO.2 The following actions could be considered for the management functions in FMT: a) The management of changes to information types, fields, originator attributes and recipients of evidence. Audit: FCO NRO.1 The following actions should be auditable if FAUGEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST: a)Minimal: The identity of the user who requested that evidence of origin would be generated. b)Minimal: The invocation of the non-repudiation service. c)Basic: Identification of the information, the destination, and a copy of the evidence provided. d)Detailed: The identity of the user who requested a verification of the evidence. Audit: FCO NRO.2 The following actions should be auditable if FAUGEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST: a) Minimal: The invocation of the non-repudiation service. 1 2 0 ... 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ... 117