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0 ... 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ... 117 d) Detailed: The identity of the subject that generated the evidence. FDPDAU.1 Basic data authentication Hierarchical to: No other components. FDP DAU.1.1 The TSF shall provide a capability to generate evidence that can be used as a guarantee of the validity of [assignment: list of objects or information types]. FDPDAU.1.2 The TSF shall provide [assignment: list of subjects] with the ability to verify evidence of the validity of the indicated information. Dependencies: No dependencies. FDPDAU.2 Data authentication with identity of guarantor Hierarchical to: FDPDAU.1 FDP DAU.2.1 The TSF shall provide a capability to generate evidence that can be used as a guarantee of the validity of [assignment: list of objects or information types]. FDPDAU.2.2 The TSF shall provide [assignment: list of subjects] with the ability to verify evidence of the validity of the indicated information and the identity of the user that generated the evidence. Dependencies: FIAUID.1 Timing of identification 6.4 Export to outside TSF control (FDP ETC) Family behaviour This family defines functions for exporting user data from the TOE such that its security attributes and protection either can be explicitly preserved or can be ignored once it has been exported. It is concerned with limitations on export and with the association of security attributes with the exported user data. Component levelling FDPETC.1 Export of user data without security attributes requires that the TSF enforce the appropriate SFPs when exporting user data outside the TSF. User data that is exported by this function is exported without its associated security attributes. FDPETC.2 Export of user data with security attributes requires that the TSF enforce the appropriate SFPs using a function that accurately and unambiguously associates security attributes with the user data that is exported. Management: FDPETC.1 There are no management activities foreseen for this component. Management: FDPETC.2 The following actions could be considered for the management functions in FMT Management: a) The additional exportation control rules could be configurable by a user in a defined Audit: FDPETC.1, FDPETC.2 The following events shall be auditable if FAUGEN Security audit data generation is included in the PP/ST: a)Minimal: Successful export of information. b)Basic: All attempts to export information. role. FDP ETC.1 Export of user data without security attributes Hierarchical to: No other components. FDP ETC.1.1 The TSF shall enforce the [assignment: access control SFP(s) and/or information flow control SFP(s)] when exporting user data, controlled under the SFP(s), outside of the TSC. FDPETC.1.2 The TSF shall export the user data without the user datas associated security attributes. Dependencies: [FDP ACC.1 Subset access control, or FDP IFC.1 Subset information flow control] FDP ETC.2 Export of user data with security attributes Hierarchical to: No other components. FDPETC.2.1 The TSF shall enforce the [assignment: access control SFP(s) and/or information flow control SFP(s)] when exporting user data, controlled under the SFP(s), outside of the TSC. FDPETC.2.2 The TSF shall export the user data with the user datas associated security attributes. FDPETC.2.3 The TSF shall ensure that the security attributes, when exported outside the TSC, are unambiguously associated with the exported user data. FDPETC.2.4 The TSF shall enforce the following rules when user data is exported from the TSC: [assignment: additional exportation control rules]. Dependencies: [FDP ACC.1 Subset access control, or FDP IFC.1 Subset information flow control] 0 ... 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ... 117