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Раздел: Документация

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ape obj.i.2e The evaluator shall confirm that the statement of security objectives is complete, coherent, and internally consistent.

4.5 IT security requirements (APE REQ)


The IT security requirements chosen for a TOE and presented or cited in a PP need to be evaluated in order to confirm that they are internally consistent and lead to the development of a TOE that will meet its security objectives.

Not all of the security objectives expressed in a PP may be met by a compliant TOE, as some TOEs may depend on certain IT security requirements to be met by the IT environment. When this is the case, the environmental IT security requirements must be clearly stated and evaluated in context with the TOE requirements.

This family presents evaluation requirements that permit the evaluator to determine that a PP is suitable for use as a statement of requirements for an evaluatable TOE. The additional criteria necessary for the evaluation of explicitly stated requirements is covered in the APE SRE family.

Application notes

The term "IT security requirements" refers to "TOE security requirements" and the optionally included "security requirements for the IT environment".

The term "TOE security requirements" refers to "TOE security functional requirements" and/or "TOE security assurance requirements".

In the APEREQ.1 component, the word "appropriate" is used to indicate that certain elements allow options in certain cases. Which options are applicable depends on the given context in the PP. Detailed information for all these aspects is contained in ISO/IEC 15408-1, Annex B.

APE REQ.1 Protection Profile, IT security requirements, Evaluation requirements


APE OBJ.1 Protection Profile, Security objectives, Evaluation requirements

Developer action elements:

apereq.i.id The PP developer shall provide a statement of IT security requirements as part of the PP.

ape req.i.2d The PP developer shall provide the security requirements rationale. Content and presentation of evidence elements:

apereq.i.ic The statement of TOE security functional requirements shall identify the TOE security functional requirements drawn from ISO/IEC 15408-2 functional requirements components.

ape req.i.2c The statement of TOE security assurance requirements shall identify the TOE security assurance requirements drawn from ISO/IEC 15408-3 assurance requirements components.

ape req.i.3c The statement of TOE security assurance requirements should include an Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) as defined in ISO/IEC 15408-3.

ape req.i.4c The evidence shall justify that the statement of TOE security assurance requirements is appropriate.

ape req.i.5c The PP shall, if appropriate, identify any security requirements for the IT environment.

ape req.i.6c All completed operations on IT security requirements included in the PP shall be identified.

ape req.i.7c Any uncompleted operations on IT security requirements included in the PP shall be identified.

ape req.i.8c Dependencies among the IT security requirements included in the PP should be satisfied.

ape req.i.9c The evidence shall justify why any non-satisfaction of dependencies is appropriate.

ape req.i.i0c The PP shall include a statement of the minimum strength of function level for the TOE security functional requirements, either SOF-basic, SOF-medium or SOF-high, as appropriate.

ape req.i.iic The PP shall identify any specific TOE security functional requirements for which an explicit strength of function is appropriate, together with the specific metric.

ape req.i.i2c The security requirements rationale shall demonstrate that the minimum strength of function level for the PP, together with any explicit strength of function claim, is consistent with the security objectives for the TOE.

ape req.i.i3c The security requirements rationale shall demonstrate that the IT security requirements are suitable to meet the security objectives.

ape req.i.i4c The security requirements rationale shall demonstrate that the set of IT security requirements together forms a mutually supportive and internally consistent whole.

Evaluator action elements:

apereq.i.ie The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of evidence.

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