Системы видеонаблюдения
Охранная сигнализация
Пожарная сигнализация
Система пожаротушения
Система контроля удаленного доступа
Оповещение и эвакуация
Контроль периметра
Система домофонии
Парковочные системы
Проектирование слаботочных сетей
Раздел: Документация

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кациях. указывают на то, что стандарт Н.264 может значительно превзойти MPEG-4 Visual (который, в свою очередь, оставил позади MPEG-2). Производительность является лишь одним из факторов, которые влияют на возможный успех новой технологии на рынке ей подобных. В заключительной главе мы проанализируем некоторые другие выпуски, которые формируют коммерческий рынок видеокодирования.

7.8. Полезные ссылки

1.ISO/IEC 14496-2, Coding of audio-visual objects. Part 2: Visual. 2001, Annex F.

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4.Kim J., Chen T. A VLSI architecture for video-object segmentation IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol. 13 (1). January 2003.

5.H.264 reference software version JM6.1b, http: bs.hhi.de/~suehring/tml/, March 2003.

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12.Garg R., Chung C, Kim D., Kim Y. Boundary macroblock padding in MPEG-4 video decoding using a graphics coprocessor IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techno. 12 (8). August 2002.

13.Chang Н., Chang Y.-C, Wang Y.-C, Chao W.-M., Chen L.-G. VLSI Architecture desigu of MPEG-4 shape coding IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol. 12 (9). September 2002.

14.Chen W.-H., Smith C.H., Fralick S.C. A fast computational algorithm for the discrete cosine transform. IEEE Trans. Commun. COM-25 (9). September 1977.

15.Richardson I.E.G. Video Codec Design. Wiley. 2002.

16.Spanier J.R., Keane G., Hunter J., Woods R. Low power implementation of a discrete cosine transform IP core. Proc. DATE-2000. P., March 2000.

17.Aggarwal G., Gajski D. Exploring DCT Implementations. UC Irvine Tech Report TR-98-10. March 1998.

18.Chang T.-S., Kung C.-S., Jen C.-W. A simple processor core design for DCT/IDCT IEEE Trans. CSVT. 10 (3). April 2000.

19.Hallapuro A., Karczewicz M. Low complexity transform and quantisation. Part 1: Basic implementation. JVT document JVT-B038. February 2001.

20.Kerofsky L. Matrix IDCT. JVT document JVT-E033. October 2002.

21.Takagi K., Koike A., Matsumoto S. Padding method for arbitrarily-shaped region coding based on rate-distortion properties Trans. IEICE D-II. P. 238 247. February 2001.

22.Каир A., Object-based texture coding of moving video in MPEG-4 IEEE Trans. CSVT. 9 (1). February 1999.

23.Rioul O., Duhamel P. Fast algorithms for wavelet transform computation Time-frequency and Wavelets in Biomedical Engineering. M. Akay (ed.) IEEE Press. 1997. P. 211-242.

24.Jiang W., Ortega A. Lifting factorization based discrete wavelet transform architecture design IEEE Trans. CSVT. 11 (5). P.651-657. May 2001.

25.Ravasi M., Tenze L., Mattaveli M. A scalable and programmable architecture for 2D DWT decoding. IEEE Trans. CSVT. 12 (8). August 2002.

26.Lei S.M., Sun M.-T. An entropy coding system for digital HDTV applications IEEE Trans. CSVT. 1 (1). March 1991.

27.Chang H.-C, Chen L.-G., Chang Y.-C, Huang S.-C. A VLSI architecture design of VLC encoder for high data rate video/image coding 1999 IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems (ISCAS99).

28.Chang S.F., Messerschmitt D. Designing high-throughput VLC decoder. Part I: Concurrent VLSI architectures IEEE Trans. CSVT. 2 (2). June 1992.

29.Shieh B.-J., Lee Y.-S., Lee C.-Y. A high throughput memory-based VLC decoder with codeword boundary prediction IEEE Trans. CSVT. 10 (8). December 2000.

30.Marpe D., Schwarz H., Wiegand T. Context-Based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding in the H.264/AVC Video Compression Standard IEEE Trans. CSVT. 2003.

31.Chou J., Crouse M., Ramchandran K. A simple algorithm for removing blocking artifacts in block transform coded images IEEE Signal Process. Lett. 5. February 1998.

32.Hong S., Chan Y., Siu W. A practical real-time post-processing technique for block effect elimination Proc. IEEE ICIP96. Lausanne, September 1996.

33.Meier Т., Ngan K., Crebbin G. Reduction of coding artifacts at low bit rates Proc. SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing. San Jose. January 1998.

34.Yang Y., Galatsanos N. Removal of compression artifacts using projections onto convex sets and line modeling IEEE Trans. Image Processing. 6. October 1997.

35.ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11/M7227, Performance of MPEG-4 profiles used for streaming video and comparison with H.26L. Sydney, July 2001.

36.Joch A., Kossentini F. Performance analysis of H.26L coding features, ITU-T Q.6/SG 16 VCEG- 042. Pattaya, November 2001.

37.Topiwala P., Sullivan G., Joch A., Kossentini F. Performance evaluation of H.26L TML8 vs. H.263++ and MPEG-4, ITU-T Q.6/SG16 VCEG-N18. September 2001.

38.Wiegand Т., Schwarz H., Joch A., Kossentini F., Sullivan G. Rate-Constrained Coder Control and Comparison of Vide Coding Standards IEEE Trans. CSVT. 2003.

39.Li Z., Gao W., et al. Adaptive Rate Control with HRD Consideration, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WGU and ITU-T SG16 Q.6 Document JVT-H014. May 2003.

40.ISO/IEC 14496-2. Coding of audio-visual objects. Part 2: Visual. 2001. Annex L.

41.Saw Y.-S. Rate-Quality Optimized Video Coding. Kluwer Academic Publishers, November 1998.

42.ISO/IEC 13818. Information technology: generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information. 1995 (MPEG-2).

43.IETF RFC 1889, RTF: A transport protocol for real-time applications. January 1996.

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