Раздел: Документация
0 ... 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ... 20 UNITED STATES - NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology Computer Security Division 820 Diamond, MS: NN426 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899 U.S.A. Tel: +1.301.975.2934, Fax: +1.301.948.0279 E-mail: criteria@nist.gov WWW: http: csrc.nist.gov/cc UNITED STATES - NSA: National Security Agency Attn: V2, Common Criteria Technical Advisor Fort George G. Meade, Maryland 20755-6740 U.S.A. Tel: +1.410.859.4458, Fax: +1.410.684.7512 E-mail: common criteria@radium.ncsc.mil WWW: http: www.radium.ncsc.mil/tpep/ UNITED KINGDOM: Communications-Electronics Security Group Compusec Evaluation Methodology P.O. Box 144 Cheltenham GL52 5UE United Kingdom Tel: +44.1242.221.491 ext. 5257, Fax: +44.1242.252.291 E-mail: criteria@cesg.gov.uk WWW: http: www.cesg.gov.uk/cchtml FTP: ftp: ftp.cesg.gov.uk/pub Annex B (normative) Specification of Protection Profiles B.1 Overview A PP defines an implementation-independent set of IT security requirements for a category of TOEs. Such TOEs are intended to meet common consumer needs for IT security. Consumers can therefore construct or cite a PP to express their IT security needs without reference to any specific TOE. This annex contains the requirements for the PP in descriptive form. The assurance class APE, contained in clause 4 of ISO/IEC 15408-3, contains these requirements in the form of assurance components to be used for evaluation of the PP. B.2 Content of Protection Profile b.2.1 content and presentation A PP shall conform to the content requirements described in this annex. A PP should be presented as a user-oriented document that minimises reference to other material that might not be readily available to the PP user. The rationale may be supplied separately, if that is appropriate. The contents of the PP are portrayed in Figure B.1, which should be used when constructing the structural outline of the PP document. b.2.2 pp introduction The PP introduction shall contain document management and overview information necessary to operate a PP registry as follows: a)The PP identification shall provide the labelling and descriptive information necessary to identify, catalogue, register, and cross reference a PP. b)The PP overview shall summarise the PP in narrative form. The overview should be sufficiently detailed for a potential user of the PP to determine whether the PP is of interest. The overview should also be usable as a stand alone abstract for use in PP catalogues and registers. 0 ... 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ... 20