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0 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 20 Safeguarding assets of interest is the responsibility of owners who place value on those assets. Actual or presumed threat agents may also place value on the assets and seek to abuse assets in a manner contrary to the interests of the owner. Owners will perceive such threats as potential for impairment of the assets such that the value of the assets to the owners would be reduced. Security specific impairment commonly includes, but is not limited to, damaging disclosure of the asset to unauthorised recipients (loss of confidentiality), damage to the asset through unauthorised modification (loss of integrity), or unauthorised deprivation of access to the asset (loss of availability). The owners of the assets will analyse the possible threats to determine which ones apply to their environment. The results are known as risks. This analysis can aid in the selection of countermeasures to counter the risks and reduce it to an acceptable level. Countermeasures are imposed to reduce vulnerabilities and to meet security policies of the owners of the assets (either directly or indirectly by providing direction to other parties). Residual vulnerabilities may remain after the imposition of countermeasures. Such vulnerabilities may be exploited by threat agents representing a residual level of risk to the assets. Owners will seek to minimise that risk given other constraints. Assurance Techniques Evaluation produce assurance gives evidence of giving Owners require confidence that countermeasures minimise risk to assets. Figure 4.2 - Evaluation concepts and relationships Owners will need to be confident that the countermeasures are adequate to counter the threats to assets before they will allow exposure of their assets to the specified threats. Owners may not themselves possess the capability to judge all aspects of the countermeasures, and may therefore seek evaluation of the countermeasures. The outcome of evaluation is a statement about the extent to which assurance is gained that the countermeasures can be trusted to reduce the risks to the protected assets. The statement assigns an assurance rating of the countermeasures, assurance being that property of the countermeasures that gives grounds for confidence in their proper operation. This statement can be used by the owner of the assets in deciding whether to accept the risk of exposing the assets to the threats. Figure 4.2 illustrates these relationships. Owners of assets will normally be held responsible for those assets and should be able to defend the decision to accept the risks of exposing the assets to the threats. This requires that the statements resulting from evaluation are defensible. Thus, evaluation should lead to objective and repeatable results that can be cited as evidence. 4.1.2 information technology security context Many assets are in the form of information that is stored, processed and transmitted by IT products or systems to meet requirements laid down by owners of the information. Information owners may require that dissemination and modification of any such information representations (data) be strictly controlled. They may demand that the IT product or system implement IT specific security controls as part of the overall set of security countermeasures put in place to counteract the threats to the data. IT systems are procured and constructed to meet specific requirements and may, for economic reasons, make maximum use of existing commodity IT products such as operating systems, general purpose application components, and hardware platforms. IT security countermeasures implemented by a system may use functions of the underlying IT products and depend upon the correct operation of IT product security functions. The IT products may, therefore, be subject to evaluation as part of the IT system security evaluation. Where an IT product is incorporated or being considered for incorporation in multiple IT systems, there are cost advantages in evaluating the security aspects of such a product independently and building a catalogue of evaluated products. The results of such an evaluation should be expressed in a manner that supports incorporation of the product in multiple IT systems without unnecessary repetition of work required to examine the products security. An IT system accreditor has the authority of the owner of the information to determine whether the combination of IT and non-IT security countermeasures furnishes adequate protection for the data, and thus to decide whether to permit the operation of the system. The accreditor may call for evaluation of the IT countermeasures in order to determine whether the IT countermeasures provide adequate protection and whether the specified countermeasures are properly implemented by the IT system. This evaluation may take various forms and degrees of rigour, depending upon the rules imposed upon, or by, the accreditor. 4.2 Common Criteria approach Confidence in IT security can be gained through actions that may be taken during the processes of development, evaluation, and operation. 4.2.1 development The CC does not mandate any specific development methodology or life cycle model. Figure 4.3 depicts underlying assumptions about the relationship between the security requirements and the TOE. The figure is used to provide a context for discussion and should not be construed as advocating a preference for one methodology (e.g. waterfall) over another (e.g. prototyping). It is essential that the security requirements imposed on the IT development be effective in contributing to the security objectives of consumers. Unless suitable requirements are established at the start of the development process, the resulting end product, however well engineered, may not meet the objectives of its anticipated consumers. Figure 4.3 - TOE developmentmodel The process is based on the refinement of the security requirements into a TOE summary specification expressed in the security target. Each lower level of refinement represents a design 0 ... 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 20