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Раздел: Документация

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Configuration management capabilities define the characteristics ofthe configuration management system. scope (ACM SCP)

Configuration management scope indicates the TOE items that need to be controlled by the configuration management system.

2.6.2Class ADO: Delivery and operation

Assurance class ADO defines requirements for the measures, procedures, and standards concerned with secure delivery, installation, and operational use of the TOE, ensuring that the security protection offered by the TOE is not compromised during transfer, installation, start-up, and operation. (ADO DEL)

Delivery covers the procedures used to maintain security during transfer of the TOE to the user, both on initial delivery and as part of subsequent modification. It includes special procedures or operations required to demonstrate the authenticity of the delivered TOE. Such procedures and measures are the basis for ensuring that the security protection offered by the TOE is not compromised during transfer. While compliance with the delivery requirements cannot always be determined when a TOE is evaluated, it is possible to evaluate the procedures that a developer has developed to distribute the TOE to users., generation and start-up (ADO IGS)

Installation, generation, and start-up requires that the copy of the TOE is configured and activated by the administrator to exhibit the same protection properties as the master copy of the TOE. The installation, generation, and start-up procedures provide confidence that the administrator will be aware of the TOE configuration parameters and how they can affect the TSF.

2.6.3Class ADV: Development

Assurance class ADV defines requirements for the stepwise refinement of the TSF from the TOE summary specification in the ST down to the actual implementation. Each of the resulting TSF representations provide information to help the evaluator determine whether the functional requirements of the TOE have been met. Functional specification (ADV FSP)

The functional specification describes the TSF, and must be a complete and accurate instantiation of the TOE security functional requirements. The functional specification also details the external interface to the TOE. Users of the TOE are expected to interact with the TSF through this interface. design (ADV HLD)

The high-level design is a top level design specification that refines the TSF functional specification into the major constituent parts of the TSF. The high level design identifies the basic structure of the TSF and the major hardware, firmware, and software elements. representation (ADV IMP)

The implementation representation is the least abstract representation of the TSF. It captures the detailed internal workings of the TSF in terms of source code, hardware drawings, etc., as applicable. internals (ADV INT)

The TSF internals requirements specify the requisite internal structuring ofthe TSF. design (ADV LLD)

The low-level design is a detailed design specification that refines the high-level design into a level of detail that can be used as a basis for programming and/or hardware construction. correspondence (ADV RCR)

The representation correspondence is a demonstration of mappings between all adjacent pairs of available TSF representations, from the TOE summary specification through to the least abstract TSF representation that is provided. policy modeling (ADV SPM)

Security policy models are structured representations of security policies of the TSP, and are used to provide increased assurance that the functional specification corresponds to the security policies of the TSP, and ultimately to the TOE security functional requirements. This is achieved via correspondence mappings between the functional specification, the security policy model, and the security policies that are modelled.

2.6.4 Class AGD: Guidance documents

Assurance class AGD defines requirements directed at the understandability, coverage and completeness of the operational documentation provided by the developer. This documentation, which provides two categories of information, for users and for administrators, is an important factor in the secure operation of the TOE. Administrator guidance (AGD ADM)

Requirements for administrative guidance help ensure that the environmental constraints can be understood by administrators and operators of the TOE. Administrative guidance is the primary means available to the developer for providing the TOE administrators with detailed, accurate information of how to administer the TOE in a secure manner and how to make effective use of the TSF privileges and protection functions.

Requirements for user guidance help ensure that users are able to operate the TOE in a secure manner (e.g. the usage constraints assumed by the PP or ST must be clearly explained and illustrated). User guidance is the primary vehicle available to the developer for providing the TOE users with the necessary background and specific information on how to correctly use the TOEs protection functions. User guidance must do two things. First, it needs to explain what the user-visible security functions do and how they are to be used, so that users are able to consistently and effectively protect their information. Second, it needs to explain the users role in maintaining the TOEs security.

2.6.5 Class ALC: Life cycle support

Assurance class ALC defines requirements for assurance through the adoption of a well defined life-cycle model for all the steps of the TOE development, including flaw remediation procedures and policies, correct use of tools and techniques and the security measures used to protect the development environment. security (ALC DVS)

Development security covers the physical, procedural, personnel, and other security measures used in the development environment. It includes physical security of the development location(s) and controls on the selection and hiring of development staff. remediation (ALC FLR)

Flaw remediation ensures that flaws discovered by the TOE consumers will be tracked and corrected while the TOE is supported by the developer. While future compliance with the flaw remediation requirements cannot be determined when a TOE is evaluated, it is possible to evaluate the procedures and policies that a developer has in place to track and repair flaws, and to distribute the repairs to consumers. cycle definition (ALC LCD)

Life cycle definition establishes that the engineering practices used by a developer to produce the TOE include the considerations and activities identified in the development process and operational support requirements. Confidence in the correspondence between the requirements and the TOE is greater when security analysis and the production of evidence are done on a regular basis as an integral part of the development process and operational support activities. It is not the intent of this component to dictate any specific development process. and techniques (ALC TAT)

Tools and techniques addresses the need to define the development tools being used to analyse and implement the TOE. It includes requirements concerning the development tools and implementation dependent options of those tools.

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