Раздел: Документация
0 ... 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... 19 Э Setting Preset Speed The speed the dome travels to that preset position can be adjusted between 1 to 255 per second (the factory default is 0/sec). PIH-800II: To set speed as 10/sec: Push keyl1l0lfollowedbylF1lkey, two beeps will be heard confirming that speed is set. PIH-801 : To set speed as 10/sec: Pushkeyl1l0lfollowedbylF3lkey [пдпп ri m piJF J j SETUP j F3 j j F4 j □ □L3 j MON j CAM j presets j j fast j j CLR I j 0 [ ENT \ PRESET оНННЕЭЕ ЕЗНЯИЕ ICS HE3H fsee I HE EE HE EE PIH-800II PIH-801 Note: When PIH-800II keyboard is used, push F1l key to confirm speed entered. When PIH-801 keyboard is used, push F3 key to confirm speed entered. J3> Setting Preset Dwell Time The dwell time means the time user wants to view on certain preset position under Auto Pan. ThePresetDwell Time canbeset between0~255 seconds. (The factory default is 0 second) * If the dwell is set to 0 second then that position will be omitted from the Auto Scan Tour. To set dwell to 5 seconds: Push key [5] followed by F2 key. Ex. To set dwell to 5 second :l51lF2lkeys To set dwell to 10 second :IE[0[F2]keys J> Storing Preset Data Once the above steps have been completed, the information must be stored or it will not be memorized bythe system. PIH-800II: Push key CD followed byF3 key, two beeps will be heard confirming that data is stored. PIH-801 : When PIH-801 is used, there is no need to perform data saving step for 1st ~ 16th preset. For 17th ~ 128th presets F3 key should be pushed to store data. Note : For the first 16 presets on each dome, the above steps must be repeated. For presets 17 ~ 128 there is a default speed and dwell setting so steps 5 and 6 are not required. Recalling Preset Positions Once the required preset positions have been stored in a dome, they may be quickly recalled, returning the dome to exact position. To recall 1st Preset Position: Push key T] followed by IPRESET key. The dome will move to that position in speed of 360/sec. Ex. To recall 1st preset position : 1Л1 PRESET keys To recall 128th preset position EEEE ЫШШРМ l F3 I F4 ШЕЕЕЕ° ЕЕЕЕЕЕ ЕЕЕЕЕЕ l PRESETS J J FAST J CLR iJ 0 l[ ENT l SETUP l MON l CAM НЕЮ EE EE ЕЕЕЕШ° EEEEEE° ешешешшеж °ННЕЗИЕ£ oEESSHHEEi ЕЕЕ1НЯИЕЕ
PIH-800II PIH-801 Setting Preset Group The purpose of setting preset group allows the management of the 16 preset positions before Auto Scanning. The first 16 preset positions of each dome are separated into 4 groups. Preset group must be set for the auto pan reference. Group 1 includes: 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th preset positions. Group 2 includes: 5th 6th 7th and 8th preset positions. Group 3 includes: 9th 10th 11th and 12th preset positions. Group 4 includes: 13th 14th 15th and 16th preset positions. To set up group 1: Push key Щ followed by F4 key.
ЕЕ ЕЕ ЕЕИйFiJf EEEEh ЕЕЕЕЕЕ EE ED] EE EE EE EED l SETUP l CAM [presets J J FAST J CLR iJ 0 11 ENT PRESET ШЕЕ EED EDS EE EE] EEEEEEsD EE EE EED ешешешешеж hhhhe нянне инине нее не I не не не не PIH-800II PIH-801 Changing Preset Data In order to change any preset position from the one stored, the dome must first be sent to that preset position. To change the 4th preset position of the Dome number 3, perform the following steps: 5 Push I31ICAM to select Dome 3 3 Push I44IPRESET to go to 4th preset position Э Move joystick to bring camera to the desired view position. Al Adjusting lens l5> Setting preset speed Э Setting dwell time J) Store Data (Please refer to page 32 for step ® ~ ®) Activating Auto Pan When the Auto Pan function is activated, the fast dome will auto touring the preset groups entered. To activate Auto Pan: Push AUTO PAN key, confirming the activation of autopan. (When use PIH-800II, Auto Pan Led will be lit. When use PIH-801, LCD will display F=A) To stop Auto Pan: Push AUTO PAN key again, confirming the stop of autopan. (When use PIH-800II, Auto Pan Led will be Off. When use PIH-801, LCD will display F=M) j F3 j j F4 j j 1 j 2 j 3 j j SETUP j 4 j 5 j 6 j MON j 7 j j 8 j 9 j CAM j presets j j fast j j CLR j j 0 j ENT j PRESET °незнеэее езняиее неее етешее □ □е шшее e3edee нее see не ея ee PIH-800II PIH-801 * If the AUTO PAN is activated, no other commands can be sent to that dome, but other dome can still be selected and operated manually. To select (call out) another dome while it is under Auto Pan mode: Simply push the numeric key followed by the CAM key. Push key И followed by CAM key, confirming the 2nd camera is selected. 0 ... 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... 19