Раздел: Документация
0 1 2 3 4 IV FOCUS CONTROL 1. FOCUS Far Command for Receiver ADDR 01 PIH-717
2. When FOCUS Far Command is repeated. Lens FOCUS will become farther till above 2nd NO-KEY command is send. If NO-KEY command is not send, FOCUS will continue for another 500ms 3. FOCUS Near command for Receiver ADDR 01 PIH-717
4. When FOCUS Near command is repeated, Lens FOCUS will become nearer till above 2nd NO-KEY command is send. If NO-KEY command is not send, FOCUS will continue for another 500ms 5. Auto Focus command for Receiver ADDR 01 PIH-717
V ZOOM IN AND ZOOM OUT CONTROL 1. ZOOM In command for Receiver ADDR 01 PIH-717
2. When ZOOM In command is repeated, Lens will continue to zoom in till above 2nd NO-KEY command is send. If NO-KEY command is not send, zoom in will continue for another 500ms 3. ZOOM Out command for Receiver ADDR 02 PIH-7000
4. When ZOOM Out command is repeated, Lens will continue to zoom out till above 2nd NO-KEY command is send. If NO-KEY command is not send, zoom out will continue for another 500ms VI PRESET SET - UP Max 128 Preset Position For Each FASTDOME 1. Recall Preset position for Receiver ADDR 01 PIH-717
Response Call 2nd preset point 41ho1ho0h Response 2. Receiver ADDR 01 PIH-717 Pan and Tilt to preset point Receiver ADDR 01 Pan Right 20°/Sec Pan Right action Tilt Down action
I 20°/ Sec Tilt Down * Receiver ADDR 01 3. Receiver ADDR 01 PIH-717 Zoom In and Zoom Out to preset point 1 st unit Zoom in
Zoom Out
1 st unit 4. Receiver ADDR 01 PIH-717 Auto Iris for preset point Auto Iris
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