Раздел: Документация
0 ... 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 15 Chapter 6-3-1. SCHEDULE Once the schedule has been setup, PDR-3160 records camera video based on the schedule table. PDR-3160s timer detects every minute to check if it should start to record. +JSET *- + SELECT t + MOUE ESC EXIT Chapter 6-3-2. REC MODE PDR-3160 can record video in fields or CIFs resolution for storage consideration. In short, field recording mode records only either even or odd scanned video lines. The total throughput within a second can generate 60/50 fields per second. CIF recording mode processes each video image and scaled into 1/4 of the original image size. The total throughput within a second can generate 120/100 CIF/Sec. Due to image quality (storage) and fluent video considerations, one should setup the recording system based on the environment and monitored targets. The manufacturing rec mode is in field mode. To change the setting to CIF, please press Left or Right button to change. Chapter 6-3-3. REC SPEED PDR-3160 provides two recording modes upto 120/100 CIF/Sec and 60/50 Fields/Sec. The recording speed can be specified for storage consideration- higher recording speed consumes more HDD storage space. To change REC Speed, please switch menu item at Record->REC Speed. ![]() ф Press "Enter" to enter edit mode Press Up or Down to enable or disable schedule. Press Right to edit start or sto p mode. Press Up or Down to edit start or stop time. Press ESC to exit. Chapter 6-3-4. RECORD QUALITY There are four different video qualities, Very High, High, Normal, and Low, a user can setup. In general, higher image quality implies lower video compress rate. The details of different image qualities at different HDD recording medium are documented in appendix. Chapter 6-3-5. PLAYBACK SPEED Playback speed can be used if the recording speed is set differently. Playback speed is highly recommended to match the recording speed. Incompatible playback speed may occur if the playback speed does not match recording speed. To change playback speed, please switch to different speed under Recording->Playback Speed. Chapter 6-3-6. REC CHANNEL ENABLE Each individual channel can be enabled or disabled for recording purpose. To close the recording channel, please enter REC Channel Enable menu item. Close or open the REC channel accordingly. Chapter 6-3-7. AUDIO CHANNEL To record audio to its video channel, please first define the audio channels. Next, please enter the REC AUDIO channel. AUDIO CHANNEL ![]() +JSET SELECT t + MOUE ESC EXIT Chapter 6-4. ALARM SETUP Alarm setup menu can change the settings of extern alarm switches, motion alarm, buzzer, and alarm recording duration. To change these settings, please enter Alarm setup menu and follow the instructions: ALARM ![]() +JSET *- + SELECT t + MOUE ESC EXIT Chapter 6-4-1. CAMERA SELECT Press Left or Right button to switch to different camera channel. It is useful to see the video image as background reference while setting up motion area. Chapter 6-4-2. ALARM ENABLE PDR-3160 has 16 alarm inputs which can be configured as normal open (N/O), normal close (N/C), or disabled. Sixteen alarm inputs numbered from 1 to 16 are one-to-one mapped to camera 1 to 16 respectively. Press Left or Right button to switch the alarm to N/O, N/C, or None status. Chapter 6-4-3. MOTION ENABLE Motion Enable enables motion alarm activation to alarm outputs (N/O and N/C), if the motion area has been set with proper motion sensitivity. Press Left or Right button at Motion Enable menu item to change the setting. Chapter 6-4-4. SENSITIVITY There are five levels of sensitivity adjustment for motion video alarm triggering range from Very High to Very Low. Press Left or Right button to change the sensitivity setting. 0 ... 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 15